Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistics and Literature 2022-06-17T05:08:41+00:00 Sufi Ikrima Sa'adah Open Journal Systems <p>Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistics and Literature</p> Environmental Factors Promoting Learners’ Language Acquisition 2021-12-31T04:33:36+00:00 A. Dzo'ul Milal Wahju Kusumajanti Raudlotul Jannah Tristy Kartika Fi’aunillah <p><em>External factors refer to the factors existing outside the learners but which influence the development of learners’ language acquisition. Since such influence usually emerges from the environment where the learners live, those are also referred to as environmental factors. What could be influential on learners’ language skill development and in what ways those factors affect language ability will be dealt with in this paper. As a conceptual paper, this article is written based on the writers’ knowledge, beliefs, and experiences intertwined with their understanding of psycholinguistic theories obtained from various resources. It is claimed that various external factors that might have impacts on the acquisition and improvement of learners’ language competence can be addressed to both formal and natural environments that are manifested in terms of linguistic input that abundantly exists and is frequently exposed comprehensibly to the learners. These ideas are useful to be taken into consideration and may have implications on the practice of language teaching and learning, especially in promoting effective language acquisition.</em></p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistics and Literature A Corpus Analysis of the Reliability of the Verbs in Covid-19 Related News in Indonesia 2021-12-31T04:33:36+00:00 Muhammad Chanif Tamimi Raditya Wandana Zuliati Rohmah <p><em>This research aims to analyze how media articles in 2020 use verbs to express the reliability (probability and likelihood of something happening) based on Bednarek media evaluation (2006) and explore the characteristics of news related to COVID-19 in Indonesia. Combined with corpus analysis, this study had analyzed the reliability level of modal verbs from a 300,000-word corpus compiled from about 600 COVID-19 related news published by the Jakarta Post in 2020. Researchers found four verbs as the keywords indicating the reliability of news related to COVID-19 in Indonesia. The two verbs are considered to have high-reliability values, for example, reported and confirmed. At the same time, the other two verbs are considered to have medium-level reliability, such as expected and suspected. Reliability keywords are used as predictions, opportunities, guesses, and reporting past events. Many keyword uses are accompanied by information from government officials, some experts, and many researchers. Therefore, the COVID-19 news in Indonesia is portrayed with a high likelihood of its events happening.</em></p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistics and Literature Full English or Code-Switching: Students’ Perceptions on Online Classroom Language 2021-12-31T04:33:36+00:00 Siti Rosyiani Khalisha Yusuf Al Arief Dini Noor Arini <p><em>Online learning has become one of the ways to deal with the COVID-19 problem. Regulation to socialize the social distancing movement forces many fields, including education, to adapt to face this problem. As a result, face-to-face learning turns into online learning. In online learning, a lecturer can maximize the use of language as a teaching medium as is done in face-to-face learning. Specifically, in English Language Teaching (ELT), there is a possibility to use both Indonesia (L1) and full English language (L2) to explain the lessons. This phenomenon is called code-switching. Therefore, this study investigated udents’ perceptions of their lecturers’ code-switching and to find out the types of code-switching applied by the lecturers in the online classroom at English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. This research is a descriptive qualitative study using classroom observation, questionnaires, and interviews of the participants. The result of the research showed that 86% of students agree that lecturers should use code-switching (CS) in the teaching-learning process, while 14% disagree about code-switching uses. Meanwhile for types of code-switching, the results showed that the types of code-switching used by the lecturer are (4%) tag CS, (45%) inter-sentential CS, (45% ) intra-sentential CS, (0%) situational CS, and (6%) metaphorical CS.</em></p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistics and Literature Acts of Insulting Speech about Covid-19 on Social Media 2022-05-17T09:11:08+00:00 Ahmad Khoironi Arianto Djatmika Riyadi Santosa Dwi Purnanto <p><em>As a nation with the largest number of Muslims in the world, Indonesia is a miniature of Muslim life in the eastern world. However, the emergence of social media makes the identity of the Islamic community in Indonesia begin to disappear. The use of language in social media often creates conflicts. Disputes in cyberspace can lead to legal action. However, social media users are not aware of this. This paper discusses the use of language on social media in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic that contains insults. The sociopragmatic framework is used as an analytical tool. The researcher applies a qualitative descriptive method to describe the findings and discussion. All data were analyzed according to the context of the incident using Spradley data analysis which included domain, taxonomy, componential, and cultural themes analysis. The results showed that the research data could be divided into four categories<strong>:</strong> blasphemy, insults, a combination of blasphemy and insults, and neutral data in the form of criticism</em></p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistics and Literature YouTube Content as A Form of Social Identity 2022-05-17T09:32:51+00:00 Iin Nur Zulaili Masitah Effendi <p><em>YouTube content is one media to transform knowledge about language, one of which is Javanese. The Javanese used in a particular country serves as a social identity that shows the group as a Muslim Diaspora. This research aims to know how an Indonesian Muslim maintains his local language and European identity. Indonesian Muslim Diaspora continues to adapt by negotiating two identities that interact with each other every day. They want to survive and mingle with European society but still maintain the social identity of the local language that they are proud of. The YouTube content thus becomes the unofficial association for the local language, so the actualization of Javanese culture is formed into a social identity. The researchers use a qualitative method reinforced by linguistic theory Hogg’s social identity theory. This method is applied to reveal the meaning of one of the YouTube contents created by the Muslim diaspora in a particular country. The contents succeeded in showing the social identity of a group that still maintains the Javanese language even though they are outside their native country.</em></p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistics and Literature Gender Equality in Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts as Seen from Islamic Perspective 2022-05-17T09:38:41+00:00 Rio Febriannur Rachman Mirotin Eka Wahyuningsih <p><em>Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts, an Indonesian movie, was played for the first time in cinemas in 2017, and outstandingly, this movie returned to be shown again in 2019. The movie has won many awards that prove its quality and excellence. Since this movie powerfully conveys gender equality in a country with the world’s largest Muslim population, it is challenging to observe how the depicted gender messages are based on Islamic values. Hence, this article combines the analysis of gender equality and Islamic perspective with Marlina Murderer in Four Acts as the object of the study. The representation theory of Stuart Hall will be applied to observe the signs which represent the gender issues. Then, this research is qualitative research supported by Gillian Rose’s visual approach. The data analysis technique is conducted by observing the representations of gender equality in the film while analyzing those with the concept of gender equality in Islam. The research finds that gender equality is reflected in the narrative and cinematic elements. Furthermore, it is correct that men and women are biologically different, but both genders have equal capabilities and skills. In conclusion, Marlina represents the struggle for equality and the result of such a struggle because equality should be obtained by consciousness, willpower, and acts.</em></p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistics and Literature Moral Values Toward Bailey’s Selected Short Stories: An Analysis of Pragmatic Approach 2022-06-17T05:07:56+00:00 Andi Inayah Soraya A. ST. Aldilah Khaerana Rezky Ramadhani <p><em>This research aimed to describe the moral values in Bailey’s selected short stories entitled The Bird, The Little Boy Who Wanted the Castle, and The Camel and The Pig. This research uses a descriptive qualitative, and pragmatic approach that focuses on readers’ points of view. The data were collected through a questionnaire given to school students in Makassar. This study also applied reception theory. In this case, readers are free to respond to a literary text, including reflection on moral value in the stories. The results of this research reveal that there are a lot of moral values in Bailey’s short stories, which the readers identify. The moral values are steadfastness, love and affection, kind-hearted, cooperativeness, bravery, humbleness, and thankfulness. This research results also show that most respondents significantly responded to the moral values using their experiences and feelings. Moreover, this research proves that reading literary works can be used as a teaching method, especially in teaching moral values to the readers</em></p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistics and Literature Islamic Values Reflected in Steven’s Professionalism in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of The Day 2022-06-17T05:08:41+00:00 Reno Setiyowati <p><em>Islam has universal values for its teachings are for all human beings live from Prophet Muhammad<strong>’</strong>s time until the end of the world. This study <strong>investigates</strong> the reflection of Islamic values in Stevens<strong>’</strong> professionalism and the motif of Stevens<strong>’</strong> professionalism. This research uses a qualitative method for it is library research. It uses Islamic perspective and new criticism to reveal Stevens<strong>’</strong> professionalism, reflection on Islamic values, and motif. The study found that Stevens<strong>’</strong> professionalism represents one side of the Islamic worldview which becomes the purpose of human creation in this world upon which professionalism in Islam comprehended. Stevens<strong>’</strong> professionalism is the moral vision highlighted into three aspects: humanity, dignity, and loyalty. His concept shaped the very purpose of his life that he identified as a professional butler. Unfortunately, his professionalism is missing the spiritual dimension as his professionalism is motivated by emotional motivation. In conclusion, the reflection of Islamic values in Stevens<strong>’</strong> professionalism has strengthened the validity of Islamic teachings<strong>. In contrast,</strong> the missing spiritual dimension has omitted the other side of humanity in the working world. </em></p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistics and Literature The English Language Teaching at Yogyakarta Senior High School Using Scientific Approach Perspective 2022-05-17T09:47:15+00:00 Susiati Abas Pratomo Widodo <p><em>This paper discusses the quality of the English teaching process based on the scientific approach of senior high school students in Yogyakarta. It investigated the teacher’s understanding of the lesson plan of English teaching with the scientific approach and the implementation of the scientific approach in English teaching. The design of the paper used descriptive qualitative. The samples of this study were nine teachers of senior high schools in Yogyakarta. The data of the teaching process was collected by using lesson plan review, observation, and interview. The assessment sheet of lesson plan review is used by collecting lesson plan data using the scientific approach. The data got from the teacher’s lesson plan had been made by the teacher before. The assessment sheet of observation is used by gaining data about implementing English teaching in the classroom. And the interview sheet contained questions that aimed to get more information from the English teacher. The data analysis used in this research is an interactive model from Miles and Huberman. They were data collection by observation, interview, review documents, data reduction, display data, and conclusion drawing. The finding showed that the teachers’ understanding of the English teaching lesson plan with the scientific approach was good. It was established in the lesson plans that the teachers made, which had the characteristics required by Permendikbud No. 22 the Year 2016. Another finding was that the implementation of the scientific approach had been exemplary because the teachers in the teaching process had implemented the 5 M teaching steps. However, it was constrained by the students who were still embarrassed or afraid in questioning and communicating. Finally, the study showed that the teachers must be active in activities organized by The Ministry of Education and Culture and The Branch Office of Education of the Province, City, or Regency by participating in English teacher forums, workshops, or training held by Educational Quality Assurance Agency or Other Organizations related to Curriculum 2013.</em></p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistics and Literature Approaches of Teaching Writing; How It Facilitates Students’ Writing 2022-05-17T09:57:00+00:00 Norhidayah Norhidayah Rizky Amelia Fahmi Hidayat <p><em>As known that the approach is important particularly in teaching writing. Therefore, this study is aimed to uncover the writing approaches used by teachers in teaching writing. The subject of this study is a tenth grade teacher at SMA IT Ar Rahman Banjarbaru. This study used a descriptive qualitative method. The data were taken from the teaching writing processes. There were three methods in collecting data: observation, interview, and documentation. The teacher stated that each of the students could have the collaboration of four skills, and it was showed in the lesson plan, students have collaboration in the discussion, collect the information, representing, and sharing information. The result showed that the teacher used approaches when teaching writing. The approaches are product approach, process approach, strategic approach, cognitive approach, genre approach, pragmatic approach, process genre approach, concept model approach. Furthermore the teacher used the integrated approaches. All in all, the teacher applied the approaches; it could help the teacher to get easier in teaching writing. Moreover, when the teacher use the approaches whether it will be integrated or not; hopefully it could be support the teaching writing process</em></p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistics and Literature Disrupting Gender Inequality through Narrative Texts in English Textbook 2022-05-17T10:01:15+00:00 Sri Nurhidayah <p><em>English textbook is used in teaching and learning extensively in Indonesian education. It contains narratives text to distribute cultural values, but pitifully, the traditional narrative texts depict gender inequality. Gender is defined by culture and inequality between masculinity and femininity—the binary confines calamity to the subordinate gender. The binary seems to restraint femineity as the sub-ordinate gender. Discussing gender will not be sufficiently virtuous without disrupting gender inequality. Thus, this research was conducted to enclose that there are still many stories or traditional narrative texts containing gender inequality in English textbooks. It is assumed as a silent missile in today’s education. The data are the English narrative texts in the English textbook for Eleventh Grade Senior High School published by Kemendikbud in 2017. The data were collected by reading and quoting. Using gender equality perspective, interpretative approach, and content analysis as the technique of analysis, the result shows that the traditional narrative texts that are used unconsciously represent gender inequality. It is assumed to demoralize gender equality, and it is upsetting. It can cause sexual violence and affect children’s lives in the future. Thus, the traditional narrative texts in English textbooks published by Kemendikbud convey gender inequality, in contrast to gender equity.</em></p> 2021-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistics and Literature