Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality <p>Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality</p> en-US Fri, 03 Feb 2023 09:14:09 +0000 OJS 60 Islamic Perspectives on Religiusity and Students' Attitudes Toward Sexual Harassment <p>There are many negative impacts of sexual harassment cases, both physically and psychologically. Ironically, cases of sexual harassment where students are the victims continue to increase daily in academic and religious-based educational institutions. This study aimed to determine the Islamic perspective on the role of religiosity on sexual harassment attitudes in students. This study uses a qualitative approach through literature study by collecting, reading, and analyzing various Islamic sources, both the Qur'an, Al-Hadith, books and relevant journals. The study results show that someone with religiosity will be careful in maintaining his attitude, such as staying away from acts of sexual harassment, not tolerating this attitude and being kind to his victims. It shows that religiosity is a factor that can influence a person's attitude towards acts of sexual harassment.</p> Salma Muhana Maulida, Karimulloh, Chandradewi Kusristanti Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Revealing Honesty in Children through Game: A Case Study of Elementary School’s Students in Banda Aceh <p>Exposure to honesty in young children is a need in order to evaluate how the concept is internalized in themselves. It has an impact on the formation of children’s character in the future. This study aimed to reveal honest behavior in children. A total of 36 elementary school students consisting of 12 boys and 24 girls with aged 6 to 9 years old in Banda Aceh, Indonesia were selected as participants using random sampling. A ball-drawing task was used as a method to observe children’s honesty, every child was asked to draw a ball from an opaque box containing equal numbers of red and blue balls, in a closed room with a hidden camera. The results showed that there were only 25% of elementary school students behaved honestly, while the other 75% behaved dishonestly. It means that only a small number of students act honestly. Follow-up is needed to provide education related to the value of honesty in children from an early age.</p> Afriani, Syarifah Faradina, Zaujatul Amna Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 07:27:27 +0000 Spirituality and Family Vulnerability during The Covid-19 Pandemic <p>The Covid-19 pandemic which brings uncertainty in various areas of life also has an impact on the family vulnerabilities. Family vulnerability includes physical-economic vulnerability, social vulnerability, and psychological vulnerability. This study aimed to determine the relationship between spirituality and family vulnerability, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research design is a cross-sectional study. The sample in this study consisted of 189 families who were taken using simple random sampling technique. Family vulnerability data were collected through questionnaires designed by Sunarti (2021), while spirituality was measured using DSES questionnaire by Underwood (2020). Data then were analysed using SPSS software. Results showed that there was a significant negative relationship between spirituality and family vulnerability. There is a tendency that the higher the spirituality, the lower the perceived vulnerability of the family. However, further studies are needed to discuss the link between spirituality and family vulnerability</p> Intan Islamia Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 07:44:07 +0000 Religious Coping: Is It Effective to Reduce Parent's Stress During the Parenting of Special Needs Children? <p>The study aims at determining the impact of religious coping on the stress endured by parents of children with special needs. It was conducted using a quantitative approach. The subjects of the study were 122 parents of special needs children, selected using accidental sampling technique. For this study, the Indonesian rendition of Amer et. al's BARCS was used as an instrument to measure the religious coping, while Berry &amp; Jones' Parental Stress Scale was adapted to determine the stress level during the parenting of the children. The data were processed using Variance Analysis and Pearson Correlation statistical technique. The result shows that: 1) the use of religious coping in parenting the children with special needs is on a moderate level, 2) the highest level of stress was noticed on parents of children with a learning disability, in comparison with other disabilities or special needs, 3) the religious coping affected contrastingly on the parents' stress; the higher the use of the coping, the lower the stress level endured by the parents while handling their special needs children, and vice versa.</p> Herlina Herlina, Ismawati Kosasih, Tina Hayati Dahlan Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 07:44:55 +0000 Borderline Personality Disorder Patients With Suicidal Tendencies: A Case Study <p>A personality disorder known as borderline personality disorder (BPD) tend to have negative effects on individuals who have it. Negative emotional symptoms, poor impulse control/impulsivity, unstable interpersonal relationship patterns, and high suicidal tendencies are characteristics of BPD. Based on the findings of the assessment that was conducted, this study aims to describe the psychological dynamics of BPD patients who are at risk of suicide. The participant is a female with BPD who is 23 years old. A case study approach is used in the qualitative research method to more thoroughly document individual conditions. The process of gathering data involved observation, interviews, and administering psychological tests, including the BAUM, DAP, and HTP graphic tests, the DASS (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale) and the recording of daily activities in journals. The study's findings demonstrated that the participants had significant personality traits, such as unstable emotional states, high impulsivity, dependence on others, and suicidal thoughts followed by attempts. Due to the interaction of biological, psychological, social, and spiritual factors, there is a high risk of suicide. This is influenced by the past experiences, specifically the separation of the participants' parents when they were young, lack of support from significant others and environmental stressors. Each of these elements portrays a more complete picture of the person's psychological dynamics.</p> Hamim Rosyidi , Qurrota A’yuni Fitriana Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 07:54:18 +0000 The Impact of Fasting Mondays and Thursdays on Self-Control of Students at Al-Mustaqim Bugel Islamic Boarding School, Jepara <p>This study aims to examine the impact of fasting on Mondays and Thursdays on self-control of students at the Al-Mustaqim Bugel Islamic Boarding School, Jepara. This research is motivated by the number of students who violate the rules of the cottage. The number of students who violate the rules of the boarding school is caused by the inability of students to manage their time, thoughts and feelings. Therefore, the researcher intends to examine how big the role of Monday and Thursday fasting on self-control of students at the Al-Mustaqim Bugel Islamic Boarding School, Jepara. The type of research uses field research (field research) with a qualitative approach method. The data collection techniques were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The subjects in this study were 1 caregiver, 1 administrator, and 8 students at the Al-Mustaqim Bugel Islamic Boarding School, Jepara. In the process of data analysis using data reduction methods, data presentation, verification and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that fasting on Mondays and Thursdays has an impact on self-control of students at the Al-Mustaqim Bugel Islamic Boarding School, Jepara. The impact felt by the students is that they are more able to be patient in facing various difficulties, become more disciplined individuals and are able to control their emotions. In addition, the greatest benefit experienced is feeling closer to Allah SWT so that thoughts, feelings and actions are more able to be controlled.</p> Meta Malihatul Maslahat, Ludiyyah Zauli Khaq Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 07:53:22 +0000 Quarter-Life Crisis in Generation Z Adults <p>Quarter-life crisis is a stage of emotional crisis that occurs in individuals in their 20s including feelings of helplessness, isolation, self-doubt, and fear of failure. Meanwhile, generation Z or iGen refers to the generation that is in the period between 1995-2010 which can also be called iGeneration, net generation, or internet generation. Generation Z or iGen has special characteristics regarding the quarter-life crisis and shows different behavior when facing the quarter-life crisis. Early adulthood itself is a time of shifting from an egocentric view to an empathetic attitude. The purpose of this study is to reveal the description of the quarter-life crisis in early adults of Generation Z or iGen. This research is descriptive qualitative research. Interviews are used as a method of extracting data on one informant. The results of this study are the subjects experience frustration when they cannot motivate themselves, panic over pressure from the family environment and social suspicion, experience helplessness when listening to music that is listened to as if it follows their life, and the inability to multitask. in their social life. have a purpose in life because they are haunted by an uncertain future, and unhappiness because the subjects is unsure of their partner and other problems related to opposite-sex relationships to friendship.</p> Abdul Aziz Ali Rosyiddin, Nur Aziz Afandi Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 07:58:54 +0000 Steps of Patience According to Tarekat Practitioners <p>Calamity is something that cannot be avoided by everyone. Patience is a word that is often conveyed to people who are experiencing calamities so that they can survive and not give up. In practice, it turns out that to be patient one requires stages that must be passed. This study aims to examine the steps to be patient when facing difficulties according to Tarekat practitioners. This research is a qualitative research with interviews as a collection data technique on the subject of Tarekat practitioners. The research finding regarding the first steps of patience, is by remembering Allah. Second, believing in the determination of Allah. Third, being <em>Husnudhon</em> or think positively to Allah. Fourth, accepting and being grateful for Allah's destiny. The fifth is looking for a spiritual teachers</p> Intaning Qurota A’yun, Nur Aziz Afandi, Niken Agustina Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 08:04:55 +0000 TQN Method For Reducting Depressed Tendencies <p>Depression is a serious health problem worldwide.&nbsp; According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the 4th most common disease in the world.&nbsp; This shows that the management of depression has not been so good.&nbsp; Religion can be a solution to the problem of depression.&nbsp; TQN (Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah) as a method developed from religious teachings can be a solution to the problem of depression.&nbsp; The purpose of this study is to explain the religious method developed by TQN to treat depression.&nbsp; This research is qualitative research with interviews as a method of extracting data.&nbsp; A research subject is a depressed person who has been treated with the TQN method for 1½ years.&nbsp; The results of this study explain that the TQN method which consists of talkin dhikr, dhikr, and other practices carried out by the subject can make him calm, accepting, able to control himself, aware, and enthusiastic about life.</p> Nur Aziz Afandi, Deva Octavia Syahrani, Sal Sabila Talitha Rosyadi Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 08:10:16 +0000 Qalbun Saliim: The Concept of A Clean Heart as A Foundation for Mental Health According to Ibnu Qayyim al Jauziyah <p>The topic of mental health is being campaigned hotly. It's quite difficult to care for human rights over their mentality because things that are alleged to be strengthening factors for mental health such as wealth, throne, and family on several occasions play the opposite role. This paper tries to offer a solution to the initial phenomenon, by elaborating on the concept of <em>qalbun saliim</em>, or a clean heart in Islam as the foundation for achieving mental health. None other because the heart has an important role in human beings, because if this heart is damaged then the whole human being is damaged. By using qualitative methods (library research) and documentation techniques in data collection, this paper will examine the literature of <em>Ibn Qayyim al Jauziyyah</em> regarding the nature of the creation of the heart, the types of conditions it is in, the diseases that infect it, the healing steps to it, to its urgency for human life. This discussion is interesting to study because the concept of <em>qalbun saliim</em> has not been widely used as a reference by mental health activists.</p> Maulida ‘Izzatul Amin, Asif Trisnani, Hifni Nasif, Erva Dewi Arqomi Puspita Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 08:18:27 +0000 Executive Function snd Self-Regulation of Children in Conflict with The Law <p>This study aims to obtain an overview of the executive function and self-regulation of children in conflict with the law (ABH), namely children dealing with the law who have the status of perpetrators of crimes or criminal acts. This research is a quantitative research with a descriptive research design. The sample in this study were 120 children in conflict with the law (ABH) who were undergoing coaching at the Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Class 1 Tangerang, Banten and the Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Class 2 in Bandung, West Java. The instrument used in this research is an executive function questionnaire adapted from the Executive Skill Questionnaire and a self-regulation questionnaire adapted from the Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SSRQ). The results of this study indicate that as many as 4.2% ABH have very low executive function, 4.2% ABH have low executive function, 25% ABH have high executive function, and 66.7% ABH have very high executive function. Meanwhile, in the aspect of self-regulation, the results of this study indicate that 0.8% of ABH have very low self-regulation, 5% of ABH have low self-regulation, 44.2% of ABH have high self-regulation, and 50% of ABHs have very high self-regulation.</p> Ismawati Kosasih, Sri Maslihah, Rinanda Rizky Amalia Shaleha, Anastasia Wulandari Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 08:23:25 +0000 An Analysis of Self-Harm Behaviors among Undergraduate Students of Indonesia University of Education <p>Cases of self-harm among students are an increasing phenomenon, a survey conducted by in 2019 on first semester college students in Bandung showed that 30.5% of students were depressed, 20% seriously thought about committing suicide, and 6% had attempted suicide such as cutting, jumping from a height, and hanging himself (, 2019). The purpose of this study is to analyze the self-harm behavior that occurs in students, the participants in this study amounted to 299 active students in the Indonesian Education University, spread across 8 faculties and regional campuses, with an age range of 18-24 years. The measuring instrument used is the Indonesian version of the Self-Harm Inventory from Kusumadewi, et al (2017), which has been modified by researchers and has a reliability of 0.886. The results showed as many as 144 participants (48.1%) had hurt themselves intentionally, 88 participants (29.5%) never did, and 67 participants (22.4%) often did. It can be concluded that almost the majority of students at the University of Indonesia have committed self-harm. This research is expected to be an early screening as an early detection in preventing self-harm behavior.</p> Gemala Nurendah, Sri Maslihah, Farhan Zakariyya Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 08:33:04 +0000 The Influence of Trust and Perceived Risk on Purchase Intention in Shopee Users in Bandung Raya <p>This study aims to determine the effect of trust and perceived risk on the purchase intention of Shopee users in Bandung Raya. This study uses a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The population of this study are online consumers of Shopee e-commerce users who are domiciled in Bandung Raya. The research sample was 400 people aged 18-28 years. To measure the trust variable, Eka Apriliyah Tarwiyanti's trust scale is used (2018). Meanwhile, to measure the perceived risk variable and purchase intention, Fahmi Yazid's (2015) scale was used. The results showed that there was a partial influence of trust and perceived risk on the purchase intention of Shopee users in Bandung Raya. In addition, there is a simultaneous influence between trust and perceived risk on the purchase intention of Shopee Bandung Raya users.</p> Anastasia Wulandari, HM. Engkos Kosasih, Mega Harum Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 08:36:40 +0000 Self Love Training for Orphanage Youth <p>Adolescence is a period of transition from children to adults. The problems that are most often experienced are lack of self-confidence, low optimism and a sense of insecurity, especially for teenagers who live in orphanages. The training was held on August 22, 2021, the participants of teenagers from the Aisyiyah Gombong Orphanage, aged from elementary to high school. With self-love training, it is hoped that orphanage youth will become honest individuals about their own shortcomings, and can find positive strengths they have, so that they become teenagers who have a positive, optimistic, confident self-concept and are physically mentally healthy. The implemen-tation method is divided into 3 stages, namely the stage of preparation, implementation and evalu-ation. In the implementation stage, the activit is were carried out using a lecture method on the meaning and importance of self-love, educational games (games) life mapping and discussions. The following is one of the opinions of the participants after receiving the training, "It is a pleasure to be able to participate in this training. Previously, they were insecure, but now it has decreased".</p> Ajeng Yunita Aisyah, Navi Agustina, Luluk Chairiyah, Daliman Daliman Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 08:44:54 +0000 Eudaimonia Happiness in Honorary Teachers in Elementary Schools of Disadvantaged Areas <p>This study aims to explore the factors that contribute to eudaimonia happiness in honorary teachers in primary schools of disadvantaged areas. This study uses a literature review approach from various journals related to eudaimonia happiness in honorary teachers in elementary schools in disadvantaged areas and can be applied to institutions that contribute to the research. The recommendation in the literature of this review is how happy eudaimonia primary school teachers who teach in disadvantaged areas.</p> Syahnur Rahman, Fattah Hanurawan, Nur Eva, Machmudah Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 08:48:03 +0000 The Significant Role of Employee Assistant Program (EAP) in Company’s Sustainability: Assesing Mental Health Using MMPI 2 <p>The purpose of this study is to describe the mental health condition of the employees in state-owned company, under change management that resulted in notable numbers of identified burnout in employees. The use of Employee Assistant Program (EAP) is important in this particular case to define mental health condition to determine the sustainability aspect of company's strategy. Employee Assistant Program (EAP) is a program that enable human resources professional to assess, to make referral, and offer short-term counseling services to employees (Masi, 1997). This is descriptive quantitative research with using mental health assessment, in particular, Minnessota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 (MMPI 2). The assessment was conducted in August to September 2022 to 339 employees and measured their stress level with using MPPI 2 test kit. There were 200 non operator staff and 139 operators tested to distinguish how EAP allow a company to reduce absenteeism, motivating employees to increase productivity, and enable them to cope with personal issues that can interfere the work performance. The initial assessment has indicated several stress levels that show the importance of an adequate need assessment. The research result shows a percentage of 24% from non- operator staff are not experiencing stress, 9% having mild stress levels, 9% having moderate stress levels, 7% having severe stress levels and 58% are unidentified. For operator employees, there are 7.9% of them not experiencing stress, 36% having mild stress levels, 25.2% having moderate stress levels, 6.5% having severe stress levels and 24.5 % are unidentified. From the assessment, company can then Plan, Do, Check, and Act (PDAC) to support the complete EAP Strategy.</p> Meutia Ananda, Dewi Mayangsari Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 08:55:15 +0000 Construction and Psychometrics Properties Identification of Spiritual Intellegence Scale in Moslem Youth <p>Measurement of spiritual intelligence is an important thing to do in order to map the emotional intelligence possessed by today's Muslim youth. This study aims to compile a scale of spiritual intelligence based on three aspects according to (K. A. Khavari, 2000), namely the spiritual-religious point of view, the viewpoint of socio-religious relations, and the viewpoint of social ethics, as well as presenting existing psychometric properties. Psychometric property analysis in this study included reliability using the alpha-cronbach internal consistency approach, content validity using the Aikens' V content validity approach and item discrimination power. After conducting validity tests by eight experts and field tests on 104 Muslim youths in Indonesia aged 12-24 years, the results of this spiritual intelligence scale consist of 26 valid items and have an Alpha reliability coefficient of 0.856 and all items have discrimination power above 0.2. So that in general this scale has satisfactory psychometric properties and is suitable for use as a measurement instrument and the development of this scale in the future related to the methodological issues discussed in this paper.</p> M. Fahmi Aufar Asyraf, Achiel Yahya, Adhystia Putri H, Milenia Qodariyah, Nawabika Izzah, Risma Nur A Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Fri, 03 Feb 2023 09:00:12 +0000 Follow the style or the God? A case study on Religiosity Dynamic among Millennial Hijab-Stylists in Surabaya <p>Fashionable hijab has been increasingly popular among Muslim Women in Indonesia, the country with the largest Muslim population. For Muslim women, Hijab is not only a matter of religious obligations, but also physical appearance. Wearing hijab causes both physical and spiritual consequences. For the millennials, this can lead to identity confusion between choosing a conventional hijab that follow the Shari'a principles or choosing a trendy hijab to keep them attractive yet viewed less positive by some Muslim community. Using a stylist dressing is sometimes a difficult decision, especially if it violates the principles of Shari'ah. From this background, the present study tried to explore the dynamics of the religiosity of Muslim youth that weab stylist hijab. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study design. Data were collected using interviews to 4 adolescents in Surabaya who chose to use the fashionable hijab. Data were analyzed using the thematic analysis. Some of the themes that emerged were the commitment and effort to consistently perform religious rituals, the belief that the hijab mandatory that should not be abandoned, and the commitment to self-improvement and not seriously violate the Shari'a principle despite using stylist hijab.</p> Ulifatin Nihaya Prianti, Illuminata Darapati H. Launus, Rachelle Azzahra Caesariva, Salsa Karina Rahma, Muhammad Syifaul Muntafi Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Psychology, Mental Health, Religion, and Sprirituality Mon, 06 Feb 2023 05:04:19 +0000